DaVinci Teeth Whitening

Did you know whiter teeth can lead to a happier life? Several studies show that there is a distinct correlation between having white teeth and having more self-confidence. Modern stain removal for teeth can help you achieve whiter teeth and a more confident smile. At Vibrant Rejuvenation Medi Spa in Commack, NY, we know that the DaVinci teeth whitening system is a good option for most people.

DaVinci Teeth Whitening System

The DaVinci teeth whitening system is a revolutionary treatment used to cosmetically enhance the brightness of your teeth. This treatment can be used by most people and can significantly lift the color of the teeth, particularly the teeth in the smile line. The DaVinci system is unique because it can be completed very quickly and uses natural plant-based ingredients that cause fewer side effects than other teeth whitening systems.

How Stain Removal for Teeth Works

This treatment works by first cleaning the teeth to remove plaque and other debris. Then a special plant-based gel will be applied to the teeth and allowed to sit for up to 60 minutes. While the gel is on the teeth, a special LED light system using cool laser technology will activate the gel to remove stains from the teeth. Once this process is complete, you will be able to rinse your mouth and be on your way with a brighter, whiter smile.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

The duration of your treatment will depend on how white you want your smile and how many stains are visible on your teeth. Some people may only need 20-minute sessions to achieve their desired results, while those who have severe staining may need a full hour with The DaVinci system. We will be able to recommend the ideal duration for your treatment based on the condition of your teeth and your aesthetic goals.

How White Can Your Teeth Get?

The DaVinci system may be able to whiten your teeth up to 14 shades. On average, you will be able to whiten your teeth about five to eight shades with each treatment. The goal of this treatment is to restore the natural whiteness of your teeth. We will work with you to determine the ideal whiteness for your smile.

How Frequently Should You Have Treatments?

Your appointments will depend on your treatment goals. For some patients, it’s possible to achieve an optimal level of brightness with a single 60-minute appointment. For others, you may require shorter, more frequent treatments based on the health of your teeth. If you have sensitive teeth, severe staining, or other special circumstances, you may need two to five 20-minute treatments to achieve your optimal results.

How Can You Maintain Your Results?

Your results will generally last for several months or years, depending on how well you can maintain your results. There are a few key strategies that can be used to ensure your results will last for as long as possible. For example, you may want to use annual touch-up appointments to maintain your desired level of brightness. Some other strategies include:

Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is the best way to maintain your desired results. When you brush your teeth twice a day, for example, you can remove plaque and tartar build-up that can contribute to tooth discoloration. Using a Waterpik can also remove bacterial and oral debris that can cause staining. You should also be sure to attend all of your regular dental cleanings with your dentist to maintain good oral health.

Be Aware of Staining

You must also be aware of factors that can cause staining or discoloration on the teeth. For example, activities like smoking tobacco or using tobacco products can stain the teeth over several months and years, so discontinuing the use of these products can be helpful.

Beverages such as wine and coffee can also contribute to tooth discoloration. If you drink wine and coffee, then you should be sure to brush your teeth after drinking these beverages or at least use a whitening chewing gum that can help you maintain your results.

Consider Whitening Toothpaste

Using whitening toothpaste every day may also be able to help you maintain your desired level of tooth whiteness. Although whitening toothpaste alone is not enough to significantly lift the shade of your teeth, using whitening toothpaste can go a long way to preventing new discoloration or at least slowing down natural staining that happens over time.

Will This Treatment Cause Sensitivity?

One of the biggest advantages of the DaVinci treatment for stain removal for teeth is the fact that it will not cause any sensitivity. Other systems to whiten the teeth use strong chemicals that may wear down enamel and cause tooth sensitivity. The DaVinci system, on the other hand, uses plant-based ingredients that help build the enamel barrier while also preventing excessive sensitivity. If you do experience any sensitivity, it will usually resolve itself within 24 or 48 hours.

Can This Treatment Be Used on Crowns or Fillings?

This treatment, along with many other treatments to remove stains from the teeth, can be safely used on crowns and fillings. The system can effectively remove stains on crowns and fillings to restore the natural color of the compound used on your teeth.

Whiter Teeth and a Brighter Smile

A brighter smile is generally considered one of the pinnacles of modern beauty. Unfortunately, many modern foods and activities contribute to tooth discoloration. The DaVinci teeth whitening system for stain removal for teeth is an ideal solution for many people who want whiter teeth without sensitivity.
