Laser Hair Removal in Commack, NY

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of unwanted hair that’s going to last, then you’ll want to check out the laser hair removal services at Vibrant Rejuvenation in Commack, NY.

Laser Hair Removal

Shaving, waxing, and plucking can take up a lot of time. They can also be painful, uncomfortable, and could potentially damage the skin in the area you’re removing hair from. While these hair removal methods can be effective, there is a surprising amount of risk that comes with them.

If you’re looking for an alternative to shaving, waxing, and plucking, then laser hair removal might be right for you. This non-invasive hair removal method is safe, effective, and is far better for your skin.

What Is It?

In short, laser hair removal involves using a very precise laser to help remove unwanted hair. It is a fast, effective way to reduce the number of hairs in the area of concern or to eliminate them completely.

This method of hair removal requires a few sessions, but you’ll get longer-lasting results than if you continue shaving or waxing your hair.

What Are the Benefits?

There are many benefits to opting for this type of hair removal rather than traditional shaving or waxing. For one thing, laser hair removal is a much more permanent option. You’ll need to go for a few sessions, but once your sessions are complete, you won’t have to worry about uncomfortable or painful hair removal methods ever again.

Options like shaving and waxing are certainly viable for hair removal, but some risks come with them. We’ve all nicked ourselves once or twice while shaving before, and anyone who’s ever had razor burn can attest to how painful and uncomfortable it is. Waxing can have its own host of issues too, and doing it wrong can seriously damage your skin. Having this method of hair removal performed by an expert offers an alternative that’s safe, fast, and effective.

How Does It Work?

Laser hair removal is an FDA-approved hair removal option that uses a laser to get rid of unwanted hair. The laser does this by picking up on the dark pigment of the hair you’re targeting. The pigments in your hair absorb the light, converting that light into heat. The heat affects the natural growth cycle of the hair, resulting in the hair follicle being damaged.

A few days after you receive the treatment, the hairs in the follicles that have been target will fall out. The next time the hair grows in, it will be finer and lighter. After each session, the hair will grow back lighter and finer until the hair stops being able to grow all together.

What Areas Can It Treat?

Laser treatments can help to remove hair all over your body. However, areas where your hair is darker tend to see the best results, since the lasers are attracted to dark hairs. But even areas with lighter and finer hair can be treated with a laser.

All parts of the body can be treated with laser treatment. Some of the most common areas include the legs, arms, armpits, upper lip, chin, chest, and back. It can also be beneficial for those looking to eliminate hair around the bikini line.

How Long Do Sessions Take?

The length of time that you’ll need to schedule for each individual session will depend on the size of the area being treated. For example, if you are just looking to treat the upper lip area, then you will have a shorter session than someone looking to get laser hair removal on both legs. However, you don’t need to worry about your sessions taking an extremely long time even if you are treating a larger area. Depending on the size, you can expect each treatment to take between 30 to 60 minutes.

Hair removal treatments like this generally require very little downtime. While you’ll need to make sure that you’re wearing a sunscreen of at least 30 SPF if you’re planning on going outside, you won’t need to wait for any recovery time before you can get back to your busy daily life.

How Long Until I See Results?

The length of time it will take for you to see results from laser hair removal ultimately depends on what kind of results that you want. Some people need more sessions than others to achieve the look they want. Many people use this type of hair removal as a way to eliminate hair in a certain area. However, others simply want to reduce the amount of hair or make it a little finer to make shaving easier.

On average, candidates will require 6 to 8 sessions in total. Each session will be booked in accordance with your hair growth cycle, about 4 to 5 weeks apart. If you’re just looking to thin out the hair, then you may need a little less than that. Our technicians will discuss your goals and the best ways to achieve them when you book your appointment with us.

Who Is It Right for?

Laser treatments like this work best on those with darker hair. But even those with fine and light hair can reap the benefits of laser hair removal. When you visit our clinic, our technicians will consult with you to make sure we are choosing the right laser for your needs.

Get Your Laser Hair Removal at Vibrant Rejuvenation

When it comes to getting laser hair removal, one of the most important things you need to do is make sure you’re getting it from a place you trust. At our clinic, you can count on the fact that all of our technicians are carefully trained and ready to provide you with the best service possible. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.  
