Microneedling is a skincare process that makes use of your body’s ability to regenerate cells and reduce the development of wrinkles, sun spots, fine lines, and stretch marks. Microneedling is also referred to as collagen induction therapy. This treatment is not only suitable for middle-aged patients but can even benefit people over the age of 22. It is a powerful, non-surgical treatment that is effective at getting rid of acne scars and making skin look healthier and more radiant.
Vibrant Rejuvenation can help you attain these desirable results. We are proud of our effective Microneedling treatments and want all our patients to benefit from them.
What is Microneedling?
We need collagen to keep our skin firm and smooth. As we get older, our bodies produce less collagen. This means that we become prone to wrinkles, and the elasticity of our skin decreases. Microneedling induces the production of collagen by creating tiny channels, or furrows, across a certain area. This is done with tiny needles in a machine that drums your skin to make these furrows. Microneedling triggers your body’s response to an injury by getting it to heal a specific area with collagen.
Who Can Benefit from Microneedling?
Most people can enjoy a microneedling treatment. It is mildly invasive and makes use of your body’s own ability to produce collagen. Microneedling is useful for those with and without skin problems. Even if you have healthy skin, you can make it healthier with microneedling. This is especially beneficial if you are tired of ineffective home remedy skincare techniques. If you would like to enjoy the following microneedling benefits, you are an ideal candidate:
- Radiant skin
- Reduce hyperpigmentation
- Get rid of loose skin from losing weight
- Improve complexion
- Reduce wrinkles, stretch marks, and fine lines
- Treat acne scars, sun spots, and other types of scarring
However, if you suffer from heavy bleeding or clotting disorders and take blood thinning medication, you should seek medical advice before starting the microneedling procedure. Microneedling may also cause complications for patients with diabetes, eczema, or an immune deficiency condition. It is not advised for pregnant women.
What Happens During the Microneedling Procedure?
At first, we will clean the skin that is to be treated. Then our skincare professional will use a numbing cream to ease any discomfort the treatment may cause. After these steps, we can start the microneedling across the specified area.
Most microneedling machines will emit radio-frequency energy to create heat and controlled thermal energy to stimulate the production of collagen. When the tiny needles move across your face, your body will begin to form a new skin to heal the scarred area.
Once the actual microneedling procedure is complete, we will apply a serum that is high in nutrients to keep the treated skin hydrated.
How Long Will a Treatment Take?
Unfortunately, we can’t give an exact time frame. This duration varies according to the size of the area and the number of areas that need to be treated. If you need additional treatments during or after the session, it will take longer.
Although there is an immediate effect as the body begins to heal itself, the results will take some time to show. At first, you may notice redness as the blood circulates the treated area. This is normal, and patients can expect these side effects to disappear shortly after the treatment.
Your body will produce more collagen, and your epidermis will heal gradually. You will begin to see noticeable results once this happens. You may first notice the drastic improvements after two weeks and can expect your skin to improve even more over two months after the treatment. However, the whole process can take several months. Microneedling is semi-permanent and may need to be repeated every few months to keep seeing improvements. Schedule a touch-up session as soon as you notice your skin problems returning.
Microneedling Benefits You Just Can’t Ignore
Not only are there immediate benefits to microneedling, but you can expect better results with each treatment. Here are just a few reasons to start your microneedling treatments as soon as possible:
Natural Treatment. Microneedling does not make use of complicated surgical procedures and harsh chemicals. Microneedling is like a catalyst that triggers your body’s own ability to heal and rejuvenate cells. No harmful methods are used to induce the production of collagen.
It Can Be Used with Other Treatments. Since there are no complicated processes or harmful chemicals being used, you can use microneedling treatments with other anti-aging procedures, such as PRP therapy.
No Downtime. Any process involving anesthesia requires you to take some time out of your daily routine to recover. When it comes to microneedling, you don’t have to stop any of your daily activities once the treatment is complete. Your doctor will give you some minor skincare guidelines to follow after the procedure, but it won’t affect your lifestyle.
Skincare Products Become More Effective. Once you undergo microneedling, your skin will absorb moisture better and stay hydrated for longer. This will keep your skin healthier and make it feel better. You can enjoy smooth, hydrated skin for many months after your treatment.
Like What You Hear About Microneedling? Contact Us to Schedule a Treatment
Vibrant Rejuvenation will answer all your questions about microneedling and explain the process in detail so that you can have all the information you need to decide if this treatment is suitable and necessary for your skin. Our practice is built on honesty and transparency. If you are excited to start the microneedling process, contact us as soon as possible, and we will make it happen.